
GPPA stays up to date with all the latest technology and consistently attends trainings and expos. This allows us to help growers have their highest yields. We are more interested in getting to know you and your data in order to help you select which precision ag will benefit you the most than selling you something that won't benefit you. Increasing your yield and reducing your output year after year and helping you leave a legacy is what we are all about. Let's talk about which of our services are right for your operation.
Grid Sampling
EC/EM Soil Mapping
Grid Sampling adapted to your management zones to variable rate nutrient applications (i.e. Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium, pH, and other micronutrients). This allows for precise nutrient application to optimize yield potential.
Management Zone Establishment & Sampling
Zones are divided and managed based on soil texture. Geo-referenced soil samples are then gathered from each management zone to evaluate soil fertility.
Texture mapping to create a high-quality soil map. Used as a base map for Management zones and variable rate applications.
Soil Moisture Probes
We offer a moisture probe management service where we monitor the probes and relay notes back to the grower on a weekly basis. Probes help growers know when to irrigate as well as root development stages throughout the growing season. Moisture probes placed in the field during the growing season allow for moisture monitoring throughout the soil profile. Growers are provided with the data collected to make precise decisions on their irrigation practices.
Variable Rate Seed, Fertilizer, and Irrigation
Variable rate prescriptions allow for precise application of seed or fertilizer based on your management zones.VRI divides a center-pivot into pie shapes sectors varying from 2-6 degrees & varies the rate of the irrigation system according to soil type and water holding capacity.
Yield Data Mapping
& Analysis
Compare yield data to EC/EM Data, Elevation Derivatives and Variable Rate applied data to see what factors are affecting the yield. This service allows you to enhance your prescriptions for the following planting season.
Select Pay Service Packages
EM Sledding (Topsoil, Subsoil, RTK Elevation, Landscape Change, Slope, Aspect, and Depressions)
EM Processing & Mgt. zone delineation
Geo-referenced Zone Sampling - up to 5 samples including labor and lab costs
Variable Rate Fertilizer Scripts/ Controller files
Variable Rate Seeding Scripts/ Controller files
Advanced Yield Analysis
Premium Package
Satellite processing and management zone delineation
Georeferenced Zone Sampling - up to 5 samples including labor & lab costs
Variable Rate Seeding Scripts/Controller files
Variable Rate Fertilizer Scripts/Controller files
Advanced Yield Analysis
Advanced Package
2nd Year Maintenance
Basic Package
Satellite imagery
Yield Mapping
Georeferenced Zone Sampling - up to 5 samples including labor & lab costs
Variable Rate Fertilizer Scripts/Controller files
Variable Rate Seeding Scripts/Controller files
Advanced Yield Analysis
Dry Land Sled Package
EM Sled for dryland field
4 samples including lab
Variable Rate Fertilizing or Variable Rate Seeding
Basic Sled Package
​​EM Sled
Variable Rate Fertilizing or Variable Rate Seeding
Advanced Yield Analysis